Contracter: Temple, Texas, États-Unis
Échelle des salaires: 20.00 - 21.00 | Par heure
Code du travail: 357806
Date de fin: 2025-01-17
Statut d'emploi: Expiré
Description du poste:
•We are seeking a reliable and detail-oriented candidate to assist with the review and organization of medical records.
•The primary responsibility will be to physically examine and evaluate medical records to determine whether they should be discarded or retained based on specific criteria.
Responsabilités :
•Retrieve medical records from racks for review.
•Examine records to verify the date of birth (DOB) and other relevant details.
•Discard records dated back to 2003 and earlier.
•Maintain accurate documentation and organization throughout the process.
Compétences principales :
•Fiabilité et ponctualité.
•Comfortable performing repetitive and monotonous tasks.
•Exceptional attention to detail to ensure accuracy.
•Le taux de rémunération est de 20 à 21 $/heure
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