Product Owner

Contract: Tampa, Florida, US

Salary: $65.00 Per Hour

Job Code: 353024

End Date: 2024-09-20

Days Left: 22 hours left


  • Hands on working experience in Consumer Oversight, PMAC, Limits etc Retail application.
  • Initiate the development process, documents project scope, product vision, prioritizes user stories, sets feature level priorities conducts demos and walkthroughs.
  • Holds themselves and Business Analysts accountable for writing stories/tasks that meet the Definition of Ready.
  • Drive alignment of peer Product teams and coordinates with / understands Stakeholder priorities to act as the voice of the customer.
  • Create, prioritize, and maintain a product backlog.
    Performs/oversees user acceptance testing to identify and remedy defects and approves final testing results.
  • Has relevant business expertise and sufficient technology literacy.
Job Requirement
  • Product Owner
  • stress testing
  • retail loans
Reach Out to a Recruiter
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  • Email
  • Phone
  • Rohan Tambe
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